Data Analysis for properties and promo plans on the homepage for Women, Men, Kids & Beauty daily.
Flash Sales – Following up for files, executing and checking if everything is fine.
Coupon code testing with CRM team for bundle offers like B1G2, B1G1, Buy 3 for xxx etc etc.
Homepage Uploads (Store Wireframe planning, Execution, performance reporting & Feedback implementation)
VM support and execution
Product pinning’s for Men’s Page
Updating Bestsellers list, Trending now (certain logics defined and can change from time to time)
Pinning with different analysis (Based on seasonality, quantity sold for previous 3 days)
Making links for CRM team for their pushes.
Men’s page images need to be reviewed before mock is made by Designer Team.
Flash Developments (need to work closely with Tech team)
Working closely with Merch team with regards to following up on files, checking if everything is right and cross checking upon executing.
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